Our Story


We are two sisters with a passion for houseplants. We were both feeling burnt out from the stress of our legal jobs and needed a change. The idea of a plant shop came to us one day while we were on a regular afternoon walk venting about our 9-5 jobs and how unfulfilled we were sitting at a desk. We both knew we wanted to work for ourselves at some point in our lives, but it didn’t occur to us how it would manifest until the idea came to turn our home houseplant hobby into a beautiful plant store.

Despite numerous people saying this would do better in Salt Lake or to avoid brick and mortar until we were established online, we settled on Bountiful Main Street because we wanted to enhance our own community and knew we needed to jump in with both feet. We began looking for spaces late 2019. Covid hit shortly after putting our plans on hold. A year into Covid, things started falling into place to make our dream a reality. Within six months of committing to our dream, we obtained the funds, signed a lease and renovated with our own bare hands and the help of our family.

Our goal is to provide a unique houseplant shopping experience where we help our clients find the perfect houseplant for them or a loved one and nerd out about plants with fellow plant enthusiasts. We loved the idea of having a one-stop gift shop where you can come get a potted plant or other small gift and card all in one trip. In the future, we want to bring the community together by hosting events and workshops.